We are continuing to engage with ICSs and other stakeholders to refine our approach.
Today we have published reports of the findings from the first formal assessments completed under CQC’s new responsibility
Our new guidance looks at how we will assess services that do not receive a rating.
Following discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) we have agreed to a short delay to starting ICS assessments to allow for further refinements to our approach. We have written to ICS leaders to update them.
The next step in our journey allows us to launch our new registration process and introduce more functionality on the new online provider portal.
As a part of introducing our new approach, we plan to start work on well-led assessments for NHS trusts which has been developed in collaboration with NHS England
We have now started to use our new assessment approach across all our regions in England.
We will ask local authorities to complete an information return. All local authorities will have 3 weeks to complete this and return the information.
Further detail out the roll-out of our new online systems and assessment approach
Following government approval, we are publishing our updated guidance for local authorities. Also we're publishing the contents of our information return and and evaluation of our pilot surveys.
How we have started to roll out our new assessment approach and the guidance we have published for providers
We are pleased to publish the findings of our 5 pilot assessments and want to thank each local authority for agreeing to take part.
For the next step in our regulatory transformation, we will be going live with our new assessments with a small group of providers in the South network from 21 November.
We previously confirmed that the 2 integrated care systems (ICSs) where we are piloting our new assessments are Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System and Dorset Integrated Care System
An update on our local authority assessment pilots.
Update on how and when we’ll be introducing our new provider portal and regulatory approach.
We confirm the 2 integrated care systems where we will be piloting our new assessments.
We have now confirmed the first three local authority sites where we will pilot our new approach to local authority assessments.
We’re making good progress against the plan we set out in December 2022. However, this remains a complex transformation programme and a key part of our approach is about listening – this means we might need to adapt our plan along the way.
In January 2023, we published our response to winter pressures. This involved adjusting our regulatory activity until the end of March 2023. These are our plans from 1 April 2023.
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